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Our story


I’m Ashley, mama of 2 beautiful kiddos. Buddy is 3 and a wonderful little soul, and Luca was born the summer of 2020, she is our little ray of sunshine!


It’s funny, given that I’ve created ‘Mama and More' you would think I would start this bio with something other than identifying myself as a mama but here’s the thing, I absolutely love, love, love being a mama and feel extremely lucky.

That being said, I also love to have moments where I can be me. The me before I thought about 2 little people 24/7. The me when I could have a conversation (or a bath) uninterrupted, or stay out late with friends on a whim. I don’t know whether it’s having Luca or due to the pandemic (probably a bit of both) but finding time for myself is quite the challenge and takes a real logistical effort!

For many being a mum is the best thing, but it can also bring a disconnect between who we feel we are now and who we were before becoming a mama. So, the idea for ‘Mama and More’ was born.

I know how stealing just a few moments for yourself can really help recharge and reset, and mamas you deserve some time for you. Whether that’s 10 minutes at home (retreat in a box) or a dreamy day away (Mama and More retreats - watch this space!).


And in case you are interested, my 9 to 5 day job (and for the last 14 years) is working in Public Health supporting families and individuals to help improve their health and wellbeing. I have a masters in public health, trained in advanced motivational interviewing and I’m focused on supporting people’s health and wellbeing through nutrition and physical activity. Importantly though, with all that healthy living, we need to have time to indulge ourselves every now and again.  


If you want to chat, give me a shout. If you haven’t already realised I love to chat, so don’t be a stranger!


And mama, you're amazing!

Lots of love

Ash x

Our story: About
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